How to read a Metrolink Train Schedule?

Source: Metrolink

Have you ever opened up a Metrolink train schedule to find a table of numbers which look like the image below:

To make life worse, after spending a few minutes looking at the numbers (times) said to yourself ... "I give up, I will drive instead."  Well, if you fall into this category of train riders, this blog post is for you.  In the following video below, we take a couple of minutes (literally, less than 3 minutes) and explain how to read a Metrolink Train Schedule.  Enjoy!

A table full of numbers (train times)?

As I noted above, the train schedule can be confusing.  Especially after reading our introductory blog post on 'What is the Metrolink Train System?' and searching for a train schedule.   The train schedule is full of columns and rows of times.  Before setting the schedule down, please watch the video below for clarity.  The video below is part of a new series from Bikecar101 called "Metrolink Minutes" -- where we explain some confusing aspect of the Metrolink Train system on video in a few minutes:

Note: In the video, I refer to the Ventura County Line as "the Gold line" - which should not be confused with the Los Angeles Metro Light Rail line (the Gold Line).  The Ventura County Line is colored gold relative to other Metrolink train routes.  Metro Light rail is a totally different light rail line which is located only in the City of Los Angeles, not a regional rail system across multiple counties like Metrolink.  The two are often confused with each other.

If you have further questions or comments regarding new videos that you would like to see produced or clarification questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.  Thank you and have a wonderful train ride.

To learn about the Metrolink Train system, click here!

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