Bikecar101 Boardmembers Welcome New Vice President Mihran Kalaydjian

On October 10th, the last Bikecar101 Board Meeting, a unanimous vote was counted to welcome in Mihran Kalaydjian as our new Vice President of Bikecar101.  The current Board members were: Mike Kaiser, Kayla Kaiser, Tron Nguyen, Lillian Ware, and Nick Luna.  Now, Mihran Kalaydjian will be joining our family.

The Board Members of Bikecar101 are a family of advocates.  Advocates for a more sustainable living environment.  One that is healthier and friendlier to the world around us.  Each member brings a different quality (skillset) to the table -- Mihran Kalaydjian is no different.  He is multi-faceted.  He is a consultant to many industries and is an accomplished pianist.  We met while both serving on neighborhood councils in the San Fernando Valley.

Mihran is a particular person.  He is compassionate yet driven to accomplish many projects to better the world.  We met while both serving on separate neighborhood councils.  Although, we also met on the campus of California State University at Northridge.  I work in the chemistry department, and he was visiting/proposing new bicycle infrastructure to the college.   We immediately found that in addition to our work on neighborhood councils, we shared an interest in promoting active transportation in local communities.

I took the opportunity to ask Mihran to join the board of Bikecar101, where we could share his enthusiasm for sustainable/active transportation.  Along with making the world a safer place, the world can be a more sustainable place. What a wonderful goal to achieve while working with great people who share the same passion and enthusiasm for change.

Please join me in welcoming our new Vice President, Mihran Kalaydjian. 

Congratulations, Mihran Kalaydjian!
